Current Projects
Title | Funding Agency | Contact |
Quantum Key Distribution | UAY (MHRD) | Anil |
Free Space Communications | IMRPINT (MHRD) | Anil |
Picosecond lasers for cataract surgery (to start) | NBM (DBT-BIRAC) | Anil |
Multiplexed Optofluidics for Affordable Healthcare (to start) | STARS (MHRD) | Anil |
Coherent beam combining | DRDO | Balaji |
Coherent beam combining | IMPRINT | Balaji |
Multi-channel Fiber Bragg Grating-based Sensors and interrogator Development for Elastic Wave Sensing in Composite Structures for SHM Applications | R&DE | Balaji |
In-situ Monitoring of Fire in Tunnels and Underground Transportation Systems using Distributed Anti Stokes Raman Thermometry (DART) | IMPRINT & Forbes Marshall | Balaji |
Distributed sensing of strain/temperature with bend insensitive fibers using Brillouin scattering | Sterlite Technologies | Balaji |
Mitigation of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) for power scaling of narrow linewidth fiber amplifiers | SPARC | Balaji |
Phase Sensitive Amplification | DST | Deepa |
Mode division multiplexing with Few Mode Fibers | MeitY | Deepa |
Mode Locked Lasers in 2 micron wavelength | UAY/Unilumen | Deepa |
Photonic Analog to Digital Converters | IMPRINT IIC | Deepa |
Reconfigurable optical access networks employing advanced modulation formats for converged wireless and wire line distribution | VAJRA | Deepa |
Demonstration of Phase sensitive amplifiers | DST | Deepa |
Optical communication with spatial modes of light | BRICS, DST | Shanti |
NNetra | DST/MeitY | Shanti |
Super resolution microscopy for Point-of-Care cancer diagnosis | DST | Shanti |
Microwave Inverse Scattering for Breast Cancer Detection | SERB, DST | Uday |
Soil Moisture Retrieval from Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar | SAC, ISRO | Uday |
2 micron lasers, Optical Levers | LIGO-India | Deepa, Shanti, Anil |