Rajat Kumar Basak

Name of Guide :Dr. Deepa Venkitesh
Year of Joining: 2019
Research Topic: Development of High Power Thulium Doped Fiber Amplifier at 2 micron for LIGO India
Position: Project Associate
Mail Id: 010033@imail.iitm.ac.in
Linked in Id: Rajat Kumar Basak


  • Completed B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Ideal Institute of Engineering, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal in 2016.
  • Completed M.Tech in Nano Science and Technology from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2018.

Current Research:

  • LIGO-India:

India is going to house the third LIGO detector, at a site in Nanded, Maharashtra. Indian Institute of Technology Madras is one of the leading experimental groups, working on different aspects of research and development for LIGO-India

  • 2 micron Lasers:

LIGO observatories today use highly coherent laser source at wavelength 1 µm at high power levels. Among other significant changes, advanced LIGO Voyager proposes to reduce two-photon absorption in silicon mirrors by replacing the 1 µm laser source with a 2µm laser. Such LIGO-class lasers are not yet available in 2µm wavelength. This project aims to minimize the phase noise of an available semiconductor laser at 2µm, characterize the same and design and demonstrate high power narrow line laser.

Journal Publications

Conference Publications

  1. Rajat Kr. Basak, P.S. Anjali, D. Kaviya, Manas Srivastava, Balaji Srinivasan, and Deepa Venkitesh, “Investigation of Temporal Dynamics Leading to Self Mode-locking in Tm^3+ Doped Fiber Ring Lasers,” Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science 2020 OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper JTu1B.35, Washington, DC United States, 14–17 September 2020, ISBN: 978-1-943580-80-4. https://doi.org/10.1364/FIO.2020.JTu1B.35
  2. R. K. Basak and D. Ghosh, “Study of the Tunability of Surface Plasmon Resonance Wavelengths in Suspended Core Analyte-filled Plasmonic Microstructured Optical Fibers,” In Proceedings of ICOL 2019, IRDE, Dehradun, October 2019.
  3. R. K. Basak and D. Ghosh, “Gold-filled Microstructured Optical Fiber Refractive Index Sensor With Enhanced Sensitivity,” In Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Development in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NCRDNN) 2019, Dept. of Material Sc. and Nanotechnology, Jadavpur University, January 2019.
  4. R. K. Basak and D. Ghosh, “Selectively Gold-filled Microstructured Optical Fibers – Study of the Polarization Characteristics,” In Proceedings of PHOTONICS 2018, IIT Delhi, December 2018.
  5. R. K. Basak and D. Ghosh, “Enhancement of Birefringence in Metal-filled Suspended Core Microstructured Optical Fibers,” In Proceedings of COMSOL Conference 2018, ITC Gardenia, Bangalore, August 2018.