Conference Proceedings

International Conferences

  1. Jerin Geogy George, Shanti Bhattacharya, and Kishan Dholakia. “Structured Illumination using Modified Bessel Beams with Reduced Sidelobes.” In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, p. We2G_5. Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
  2. Susan Thomas, and Shanti Bhattacharya. “Compact and portable scanning fiber-optic confocal microendoscopy system for reflectance and fluorescence imaging.” In Optical Instrument Science, Technology, and Applications III, vol. 13024, pp. 64-67. SPIE, 2024.
  3. Sreeraj P Nambiar, Susan Thomas, Shanti Bhattacharya and Enakshi Bhattacharya, “Design and fabrication of an electrothermally-actuated 2D scanning micromirror,” 12899, 164-166, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XXIII, SPIE PW, 27th Jan – 1 Feb 2024
  4. Naveen Kumar Pothapakula, R David Koilpillai and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Optical signal processing in spectral domain OCT using smoothed pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution,” 12830, 32-35, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVIII, SPIE PW, 27th Jan – 1 Feb 2024
  5. Susan Thomas, Francesco Ferranti and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Design and simulation of dielectric metasurface for aberration correction in fiber-scanning microendoscope,” 12896, 5-8, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures XIV, SPIE PW, 27th Jan – 1 Feb 2024
  6. Bagath Chandraprasad T, Pramitha Vayalamkuzhi and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Study on pre-filtering requirements of Hilbert transform method for optical phase retrieval,” 12389-57, Quantitative Phase Imaging IX, SPIE PW, 28th Jan – 2 Feb 2023
  7. Susan Thomas and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Optical design and simulation of two photon fluorescence imaging microendoscope with aberration correction,” 12356-25, Endoscopic Microscopy XVIII, SPIE PW, 28th Jan – 2 Feb 2023
  8. Atreyee Saha, Salman S. Khan, Sagar Sehrawat, Sanjana S. Prabhu, Shanti Bhattacharya, and Kaushik Mitra, “LWGNet – Learned Wirtinger Gradients for Fourier Ptychographic Phase Retrieval,” European Conference on Computer Vision, Tel Aviv, Oct. 23-27 2022.
  9. N. Pothapakula and S. Bhattacharya, ”Continuous wavelet transformations for OCT image reconstruction: Applications,” in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2022 (FIO, LS), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JTu5A.83, October 2022, NY, USA
  10. Jerin Geogy George, Yerragadda Guruvaiah and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Sidelobe-Suppressed Bessel Beam using Holograms,” CLEO PR , 31st July – 5th August 2022, Sapporo, Japan
  11. Jerin Geogy George, Francesco Ferranti and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Design and Fabrication of dielectric meta-optics for beam-shaping,” “2nd Annual International Scientific Conference & Hybrid Expo on Lasers, Optics, Photonics, Sensors & Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics” June 10-12, 2022 | Virtual Conference
  12. Guruvaiah Yerragadda, Raghu Dharmavarapu, Saulius Juodkazis, and Shanti Bhattacharya. “Design and optimized fabrication techniques for highly-efficient dielectric meta-optical airy beam generators.” In High Contrast Metastructures X, vol. 11695, p. 116951G. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2021. Link
  13. Bagath, Chandraprasad T, Pramitha Vayalamkuzhi, and Shanti Bhattacharya. “Optical Phase Extraction using Fourier, Continuous Wavelet and Hilbert Transform Methods-Effect of Carrier Frequency.” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim. Optical Society of America, 2020. Link
  14. Raghu Dharmavarapu, Soon Hock Ng, Shanti Bhattacharya, Saulius Juodkazis, “Silicon-based metasurfaces for vortex beam generation,” Proc. SPIE 11201, SPIE Micro + Nano Materials, Devices, and Applications 2019, 112011T (31 December 2019). Link
  15. V. Pramitha, A. Vijayakumar, Shanti Bhattacharya, “Fabrication of multilevel spiral phase plates by focused ion beam milling,” Proc. SPIE 8769, International Conference on Optics in Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (icOPEN2013), 87691S (June 22, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2021061
  16. Suresh V. G., S. Bhattacharya, N. Dasgupta, “Tunable MEMS diffraction gratings with improved displacement profile of the fixed-fixed beams,” Paper 8616-28, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XII, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2013)
  17. Gayathri Sridharan, V Pramitha, Shanti Bhattacharya, “Design and Fabrication of Lower Aspect Ratio Sub- wavelength Grating for Polarization Separation,” International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 9th-12th December, IIT Madras (2012)
  18. Kavita Sharma, Manas Srivastava, Deepa Venkitesh, Shanti Bhattacharya, “Design and modeling of tunable mid-IR fiber laser using Thulium doped fibers,” International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 9th – 12th December, IIT Madras (2012)
  19. A.Vijayakumar and Shanti Bhattacharya, Design of Multilevel Spiral Phase Fresnel Zone Plates, 2012 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Banff, Alberta, Canada , August 2012
  20. M. Lai, Gayathri S., Y. Liu, G. Parish, S. Bhattacharya, A. Keating, “Multi-layer porous silicon diffraction gratings fabricated using standard microelectronic processing techniques,” Porous Semiconductors Science and Technology – 2012, Malaga, Spain, March 2012.
  21. R. Prashanth and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Space variant deconvolution for optical coherence tomography,” Proc. SPIE , 8311, Page-831113, ACP, Shanghai, China, November 2011.
  22. Gayathri M. S., Anil Prabhakar, and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Study of Subwavelength Gratings to Understand Their Polarization Behaviour,” COMSOL Conference, Bangalore, November, 2011
  23. Anil Prabhakar, Abhijeet A. Kulkarni, Shanti Bhattacharya, “Extended-range multiwavelength all-fiber interferometer,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, January 2011
  24. R. Prashanth and Shanti Bhattacharya, “MEMS mirror based optical coherence tomography,” International Photonics Conference, IIT Guwahati, Assam, December 2010. Proc. SPIE Vol. 8173, 81731W (2011)
  25. A. Vijaykumar and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Versatile Phase Zone Plates,” International Photonics Conference, IIT Guwahati, Assam, December 2010.
  26. K. Ajay Giri Prakash, Sanjay Dhabai, Enakshi Bhattacharya and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Designing Micro-mirrors for Low Resolution Spectroscopy,” APCOT 2010, Perth, Australia, July 2010
  27. K. Ajay Giri Prakash, Sanjay Dhabai, Enakshi Bhattacharya and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Design and Fabrication of a Micro-mirror for Spectroscopy,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, January 2010
  28. Invited talk: Shanti Bhattacharya, “Demystifying Optical MEMS,” IWPSD, New Delhi, December 2009
  29. Sanjay Dhabhai and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Development of a Fibre based Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer,” International Conference on Photonics, CSIO, Chandigarh, October 2009
  30. A. Kulkarni, G. Lakshminarayanan and S. Bhattacharya, “Comparison Of Phase Stepping Algorithms Used With An All Fiber Interferometer,” International Photonics Conference, New Delhi, December 2008
  31. G.Lakshminarayan, C.A. Khansa, Anil Prabhakar and S. Bhattacharya, “Development Of A Fully Automated Fibre Interferometer, IMEKO TC2 Conference, Prague, August 2008
  32. D.K.Agrawal and S. Bhattacharya, “Design and Realization of a MEMS based Variable Optical Attenuator,” IWPSD, Mumbai, December 2007
  33. Invited talk: Shanti Bhattacharya, Optical MEMS: Designing for reliability, SPIE conference on Reliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization Of MEMS/MOEMS VI, San Jose, California, USA, January 2007
  34. P. Suresh Kumar and S. Bhattacharya, ‘Method for Calibration and Control of a Stabilised All-Fibre Phase Shifting Interferometer’, International Photonics Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 2006
  35. C.A Khansa, S. Bhattacharya, A. Prabhakar, ‘Source for Dual Wavelength Interferometry’, International Photonics Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 2006
  36. D.K. Agrawal and S. Bhattacharya, ‘Development of a Design Procedure for a MEMS based Variable Optical Attenuator’, International Photonics Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 2006
  37. M. Jeyasudha, A. J. Thomas, B. Srinivasan, S. Bhattacharya,”Sub-wavelength metrology using all-fibre Michelson interferometer”, International Conference on Optics and Lasers, Dehra Dun, December 2005
  38. S. Bhattacharya, “Design of beamshaping diffractive optical elements for improving fibre-optic coupling”, International Conference on Optics and Lasers, Dehra Dun, December 2005
  39. S. Bhattacharya, S. Vijayalakshmi and A. Prabhakar, “Automated testing and characterisation of fibre optic links and components”, International Photonics Conference, Kochi, India, December 2004
  40. S.Bhattacharya, M.Judy and J.Swift, “Design of MEMS based optical components for optical networks”, International Photonics Conference, TIFR, Mumbai, India, December 2002
  41. T. Tschudi, L.L. Wang, S. Stankovic, M. Hain, S. Bhattacharya, D. Dias: “An integrated optical pick-up for high resolution digital storage and optical measuring technique”, Photonics Prag 2002 – 4th Int. Conference on Photonics, Devices and Systems, Prague, May 26-29, 2002

National Conferences

  1. Invited talk:  Enakshi Bhattacharya, Nandita DasGupta and Shanti Bhattacharya, Optical MEMS at IIT Madras, Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms (MAMM 2022), IIT Hyderabad 3 -5 Dec 2022
  2. Invited talk: Jerin Geogy George, Susan Thomas, and Shanti Bhattacharya, “Design and Fabrication of Meta-optics for Light Manipulation: Challenges and Prospects,” XLV Symposium of Optical Society of India – COPaQ 2022, IIT Roorkee 10-13 November 2022
  3. Invited talk: Shanti Bhattacharya, “Optical phase retrieval and manipulation for advanced imaging systems and applications,” Frontiers in Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi September 24-27, 2021
  4. Invited talk: Shanti Bhattacharya, “An Introduction to Fibre Interferometry,” National Conference on Nanophotonic materials, Department of Physics, CUSAT, Cochin, October 2008
  5. A. Suresh and S. Bhattacharya, “Design of a Hybrid Eyepiece for a See-through Head Mounted Display,” Optical Society of India Symposium, December, Tezpur University, Assam, 2007
  6. A. Suresh and S. Bhattacharya, “Design and comparison of refractive and hybrid eyepieces Conf. Proc. of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Optoelectronics and Laser Technology, Trivandrum, 9-11 April, 2007
  7. C. A. Khansa, S. Bhattacharya and A. Prabhakar,Four wavelength Erbium Doped Fibre Laser, Nat. Conf. On recent trends in Optoelectronics and Lasers, Trivandrum, 9-11 April, 2007
  8. S. Bhattacharya, V.V.Rao and R.S.Sirohi, Holographic array illuminators in partially coherent light, National Symposium of the Optical Society of India, IRDE, Dehra Dun, March 14-16th, 1996.
  9. S. Bhattacharya, V.V.Rao and R.S.Sirohi, Array generation using checker gratings and the Talbot effect, National Laser Symposium, BARC, Bombay, January, 17-19th, 1996.
  10. S. Bhattacharya and R.S.Sirohi, Array generators, (Invited Talk), National Laser Symposium, BARC, Bombay, January, 17-19th, 1996.
  11. S. Bhattacharya, J.S.Darlin, P.Senthilkumaran, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi,Study of interferometric array generators with different levels of phase modulation, National Symposium of the Optical Society of India, CSIO, Chandigarh, March 29-31st, 1995.
  12. S. Bhattacharya, V.V.Rao and R.S.Sirohi, Optical processes in holographic materials, One day seminar on “Optical processes in materials“, Physics Department, IIT, Madras, September 5th, 1994.
  13. S. Bhattacharya, V.V.Rao and R.S.Sirohi, A comparative study of processing techniques used to record high efficiency holo-optical elements, National Symposium of the Optical Society of India, IIT, Madras, February 10-12th, 1994.