Integrated Circuits and Systems group, IIT Madras

This is an old revision of the document!

EE5310: Analog Electronic Circuits/EE3002: Analog Circuits(Aug.-Nov. 2019)



  • ESB242 (EE5310)
  • ESB127 (EE3002)


E slot(Tu 11-11:50am; W 10-10:50am; Th 8-8:50am; Fr 4:50-5:40pm)

Course page on moodle

Registered students can login and see the course page at Resources, tutorials, exam schedules, discussion forum etc. can be accessed from the moodle page.

Teaching Assistants

Login to moodle at to post questions and contact TAs and faculty.


EE5310 : There will be two quizzes. These will count for 40% of the grade and the end semester exam for 50%. Biweekly tutorials will count for 10% of the grade.

Recorded lectures

The recorded video lectures from a previous year of the course are available here.


Problem sets will be posted below. You are expected to solve them on your own. You can approach the teaching assistants for clarifications and help. You should work each one before the corresponding dates given below. (The dates below are only tentative ones and can be changed at any time)

Simulation Assignments (PG students only)

Simulation Assignments will be posted below. You are expected to do them on your own. You can approach the teaching assistants for clarifications and help. You should work each one before the corresponding dates given below. (The dates below are only tentative ones and can be changed at any time)




If you are more than 5 min. late, please do not enter the classroom.