Semiconductor  Device   Modeling

        This is a core course for the students pursuing M. Tech. in Microeletronics and VLSI stream at EE Department. This course is taught in the very first semester and it covers the fundamentals required in the advanced elective courses on Semiconductor Devices that come in the next semester onwards. Learning a subject like Solid State Devices or Semiconductor Device Modeling, one requires some basic understanding on Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. However, in a class lecture, it is almost impossible to teach Semiconductor Devices starting from the basics of Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. Also the available text books don't provide sufficient background of Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. Therefore, before attending the lectures, you are encouraged to read the document given in the following link on "Basics of QM and SM for Semiconductor Devices". For course content along with reference text books, and sample questions, click on the respective links. Another link is given on the learning outcomes, which will be useful to follow the lectures in an effective way.