Department of Electrical Engineering,
IIT Madras

Awards/ Honours

  1. Seriius Magdeep Award-2014, received by S.Niraja, PhD student for colloborative work at Arizona State University for reliability and testing standards for Un-interrupted DC programmable module under SERIIUS-Indo US project.
  2. Innovative project Award-2014, for project on Design and Implementation of Solar Interface unit for DC and AC loads.
  3. Prof. Achim Bopp Hardware Project Award-2014, for (M. Tech) project on Design and Implementation of Controller for BLDC Machine using PIC Microcontroller..
  4. Best Paper Award-2013 for paper on "`A new auxiliary current injection circuit for improved transient response of step-up/step-down DC-DC converters", in Industrial Electronics Society, 39th IEEE IECON 2013.
  5. Bhagyalakshmi and Krishna Ayengar Award-2011, outstanding energy Project(MTech) on "Analysis, Design and Implementation of Soft Switching in Synchronous DC-DC Converters".
  6. Bhagyalakshmi and Krishna Ayengar Award-2011, received for outstanding energy Project(BTech) on "Design and development of PV systems with Maximum Power Point tracking"..
  7. Best Paper Award-2007 for paper on "A new family of soft transition converters: Design and dynamic model", in National Power Electronics Conference, IIsc, Banga- lore, 2007.
  8. Best Paper Award-2005 for paper on "Construction projects in the curriculum of switched mode power conversion", in National Power Electronics Conference, IIT Kharagpur, 2005.