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1.      Capacity Achieving Channel Codes for an Erasure Queue-Channel; Jaswanthi Mandalapu, Krishna Jagannathan, Andrew Thangaraj, IEEE Transactions on Communications, To appear, 2024. PDF

2.      Online Estimation and Optimization of Utility-Based Shortfall Risk, Vishwajit Hegde, Arvind Menon, Prashanth L.A., Krishna Jagannathan, Mathematics of Operations Research, To appear, 2024.

3.      Unital Qubit Queue-channels: Classical Capacity and Product Decoding; Vikesh Siddhu, Avhishek Chatterjee, Krishna Jagannathan, Prabha Mandayam, Sridhar Tayur, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, To appear, 2024. PDF

4.      Finite Time Bounds for Stochastic Bounded Confidence Dynamics; Sushmitha Shree S, Avhishek Chatterjee, Krishna Jagannathan, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2024. PDF

5.      Constrained regret minimization for multicriterion multiarmed bandits; Anmol Kagrecha, Jayakrishnan Nair, Krishna Jagannathan, Machine Learning, 2023. PDF

6.      Statistically Robust, Risk-Averse Best Arm Identification in Multi-Armed Bandits; Anmol Kagrecha, Jayakrishnan Nair, Krishna Jagannathan, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume: 68, Issue: 8, 2022. PDF

7.      Low-complexity scheduling algorithms with constant queue length and throughput guarantees; Subrahmanya Swamy Peruru, Aravind Srinivasan, Radhakrishna Ganti, Krishna Jagannathan, Performance Evaluation, 2022. PDF

8.      The Classical Capacity of Additive Quantum Queue-Channels; Prabha Mandayam, Krishna Jagannathan, Avhishek Chatterjee; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (special issue on Quantum Information Science), Volume: 1, Issue: 2, 2020. PDF

9.      Right buffer sizing matters: some dynamical and statistical studies on Compound TCP; Debayani Ghosh, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina; Performance Evaluation, Volume: 139, 2020. PDF

10.  A Framework for End-to-End Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection in Transportation Networks; Neema Davis, Gaurav Raina, Krishna Jagannathan; Transportation Research – Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2020. PDF

11.  Grids versus Graphs: Partitioning Space for Improved Taxi Demand-Supply Forecasts; Neema Davis, Gaurav Raina, Krishna Jagannathan; IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020. PDF

12.  Concentration bounds for empirical conditional value-at-risk: The unbounded case; Ravi Kumar Kolla, Prashanth L.A., Sanjay P. Bhat, Krishna Jagannathan; Operations Research Letters, Volume 47: Issue: 1, 2019. PDF     

13.  Stability, convergence and Hopf bifurcation analyses of the classical car-following model; Gopal Krishna Kamath, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina; Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume: 96, Issue: 1, 2019.

14.  Taxi demand forecasting: A HEDGE based tessellation strategy for improved accuracy; Neema Davis, Gaurav Raina, Krishna Jagannathan; IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume: 19 Issue: 11, 2018. PDF

15.  Collaborative Learning of Stochastic Bandits over a Social Network; Ravi Kumar Kolla, Krishna Jagannathan, Aditya Gopalan; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume: 26 Issue: 4, 2018. PDF

16.  Efficient CSMA using Regional Free Energy Approximations; Peruru Subrahmanya Swamy, Venkata Pavan Kumar Bellam, Radha Krishna Ganti, Krishna Jagannathan; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume: 26 Issue: 4, 2018. PDF

17.  Downlink Resource Allocation Under Time-Varying Interference: Fairness and Throughput Optimality; Ravi Kiran Raman, Krishna Jagannathan; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume: 17, Issue: 2, Feb 2018. PDF

18.  Modified Optimal Velocity Model: Stability Analyses and Design Guidelines; Gopal Krishna Kamath, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina; IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 2, 2017. PDF

19.  Queuing Approaches to Principal-Agent Communication under Information Overload; Aseem Sharma, Krishna Jagannathan, Lav R. Varshney; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 9, Sep. 2017. Link

20.  Local stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis for Compound TCP; Debayani Ghosh, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina; IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Aug. 2017. PDF

21.  Adaptive CSMA under the SINR Model: Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Throughput and Utility Maximization; Peruru Subrahmanya Swamy, Radha Krishna Ganti, Krishna Jagannathan, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 25, no. 4, Aug. 2017. Link


22.  Contagion processes on urban bus networks in Indian cities; A. Chatterjee, G. Ramadurai, K. Jagannathan, Complexity, 21(S2), pp. 451-458, Nov. 2016. PDF


23.  Queue-Aware Optimal Resource Allocation for the LTE Downlink with Best M Sub-band Feedback; H. Ahmed, K. Jagannathan, S. Bhashyam, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 4923-4933, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Sep. 2015. PDF


24.  When Heavy-Tailed and Light-Tailed Flows Compete: The Response Time Tail Under Generalized Max-Weight Scheduling; J. U. Nair, K. Jagannathan, A. Wierman. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2015. PDF


25.  Throughput Optimal Scheduling over Time-Varying Channels in the presence of Heavy-Tailed Traffic; K. Jagannathan, M. Markakis, E. Modiano, J.N. Tsitsiklis, Volume 60, Number 5, pp 2896-2909, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. PDF


26.  A State Action Frequency Approach to Throughput Maximization over Uncertain Wireless Channels; K. Jagannathan, I. Menache, E. Modiano, S. Mannor, Internet Mathematics, Volume 9, Issue 2-3, 136-160, 2013. Link PDF


27.  Queue Length Asymptotics for Generalized Max-Weight Scheduling in the presence of Heavy-Tailed Traffic; K. Jagannathan, M. Markakis, E. Modiano, J.N. Tsitsiklis, Volume 20, Issue 4, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2013. PDF


28.  Non-cooperative Spectrum Access - The Dedicated vs. Free Spectrum Choice; K. Jagannathan, I. Menache, E. Modiano, G. Zussman. JSAC special issue on Network Economics, Volume 30, Issue 11, 2012. PDF


29.  On the Role of Queue Length Information in Network Control; K. Jagannathan, E. Modiano, L. Zheng, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume: 57, Issue: 9, September 2011.


30.  The Impact of Queue Length Information on Buffer Overflow in Parallel Queues; K. Jagannathan, E. Modiano, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2013.


31.  Scheduling of Multi-Antenna Broadcast Systems with Heterogeneous Users; K. Jagannathan, S. Borst, P. Whiting, and E. Modiano, Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Volume: 25 Issue: 7, Sept. 2007



1.      Pallavi Varma P.K., Krishna Jagannathan, Dhivagar B., Klutto Milleth, “Resource Allocation for QoS Enforcement in 5G: Trading off Fairness and Delay-Awareness,” National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2024, IIT Madras, India. PDF

2.      Sushmitha Shree S, Avijit Mandal, Avhishek Chatterjee, Krishna Jagannathan, “Towards Maximizing Nonlinear Delay-Sensitive Rewards in Queuing Systems,” RAWNET 2023, Singapore. PDF

3.      Jaswanthi Mandalapu, Avhishek Chatterjee, Krishna Jagannathan, Andrew Thangaraj, “Capacity Achieving Codes for an Erasure Queue-Channel,” International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2023, Taipei, Taiwan. PDF

4.      K Nithin Varma, Krishna Jagannathan, “An Erasure Queue-Channel With Feedback: Optimal Transmission Control to Maximize Capacity,” Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 2023, Saint Malo, France. PDF

5.      Jaswanthi Mandalapu, Krishna Jagannathan, “The Classical Capacity of Quantum Jackson Networks with Waiting Time-Dependent Erasures,” Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 2022, IIT Bombay, India. PDF

6.      Vincent Y.F. Tan, Prashanth L. A., Krishna Jagannathan, “A Survey of Risk-Aware Multi-Armed Bandits,” International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2022, Vienna, Austria. PDF

7.      Amit Anand Jha, Nazal Mohamed, Krishna Jagannathan, “Collaborative Best Arm Identification in Multi-armed Bandits,” COMSNETS 2022, Bengaluru, India. PDF

8.      Sushmitha Shree S, Kishore GV, Avhishek Chatterjee, Krishna Jagannathan, “Stochastic Bounded Confidence Opinion Dynamics: How Far Apart Do Opinions Drift?” COMSNETS 2022, Bengaluru, India. PDF

9.      Pawan Poojary, Sharayu Moharir, Krishna Jagannathan, “A Coupon Collector based Approximation for LRU cache hits under Zipf requests,” WiOpt 2021. PDF

10.  Jaswanthi Mandalapu, Krishna Jagannathan, “The Capacity of Photonic Erasure Channels with Detector Dead Times,” National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2021. PDF

11.  Kumar Ashutosh, Jayakrishnan Nair, Anmol Kagrecha, Krishna Jagannathan, “Bandit algorithms: Letting go of logarithmic regret for statistical robustness,” AISTATS 2021. (Selected for Oral Presentation). PDF

12.  Prashanth L.A., Krishna Jagannathan, Ravi Kolla, “Concentration bounds for CVaR estimation: The cases of light-tailed and heavy-tailed distributions,” International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2020. PDF

13.  Anmol Kagrecha, Jayakrishnan Nair, Krishna Jagannathan, “Distribution oblivious, risk-aware algorithms for multi-armed bandits with unbounded rewards,” NeurIPS 2019, Vancouver, Canada. PDF

14.  Prabha Mandayam, Krishna Jagannathan, Avhishek Chatterjee, “The Classical Capacity of a Quantum Erasure Queue-Channel,” The 20th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2019), Cannes, France. PDF

15.  A. Srivastava, A. Sinha, K. Jagannathan, “On Minimizing the Maximum Age-of-Information For Wireless Erasure Channels,” RAWNET 2019, Avignon, France. PDF

16.  K. Jagannathan, A. Chatterjee, P. Mandayam; “Qubits through Queues: The Capacity of Channels with Waiting Time Dependent Errors,” 25th National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2019, IISc Bengaluru, 2019. PDF [Erratum: On page 3, Wj­ should be defined as Wj = Dj  Aj, so that Wj is the total waiting time of the jth symbol, including its service time. The error probability is modelled as a function of this total waiting time].

17.  G. K. Kamath, K. Jagannathan, G. Raina, “String and robust stability of connected vehicle systems with delayed feedback,” 14th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, June 2018, Budapest, Hungary.

18.  P. Swamy, A. Srinivasan, R. Ganti, K. Jagannathan, “Hierarchical Scheduling Algorithms with Throughput Guarantees and Low Delay,” 16th International Symposium on Modelling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) 2018, Shanghai, China. PDF

19.  S. Konnur, G. Ramadurai, K. Jagannathan, G. Raina, “A Fair Decentralized Traffic Signal Control with Good Throughput Characteristics,” Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting (2018), Washington DC, USA.

20.  R. Gelda, K. Jagannathan, G. Raina, “Forecasting Supply in Voronoi Regions for App-Based Taxi Hailing Services,” IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT'2017), Bali, Indonesia.

21.  R. Kolla, A. Gopalan, K. Jagannathan, “Collaborative learning of stochastic bandits over a social network,” 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton 2016), Monticello, IL, USA.

22.  P. Kumar; R. Ganti, G. Raina; K. Jagannathan,A probabilistic study of map matching for transportation applications,” IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

23.  N. Davis, G. Raina, K. Jagannathan, “A multi-level clustering approach for forecasting taxi travel demand,” IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

24.  P. Swamy, V. P. K. Bellam, R. Ganti, K. Jagannathan, “Efficient CSMA Based on Kikuchi Approximation,” International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM) 2016, Bengaluru, India.

25.  R. Gelda, K. Jagannathan; G. Raina, “Taxi Dispatches Using Supply Forecasting: A Time-Series Based Approach,” IEEE 14th International Conference on Smart City, 2016, Sydney, Australia.

26.  G. K. Kamath, K. Jagannathan, G. Raina, “Impact of delayed acceleration feedback on the reduced classical car following model,” IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

27.  G. K. Kamath, K. Jagannathan, G. Raina, “A computational study of a variant of the optimal velocity model with no collisions,” COMSNETS ITS Workshop 2016, Bangalore, India.

28.  A. Chatterjee, G. Ramadurai, K. Jagannathan, “Contagion processes on urban bus networks in Indian cities,” 13th International Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications, Poland, December 2015.

29.  P. Swamy, K. Jagannathan, R. Ganti, “Adaptive CSMA under the SINR Model: Fast Convergence through Local Gibbs Optimization,” 53rd Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2015, Monticello, IL.

30.  G. K. Kamath, K. Jagannathan, G. Raina, “Car-following models with delayed feedback: local stability and Hopf bifurcation,” 53rd Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2015, Monticello, IL.

31.  P. Swamy, K. Jagannathan, R. Ganti, “Spatial CSMA: A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for the SIR Model with Time-varying Channels,” National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2015, IIT Bombay, India.

32.  V. Sudheesh, K. Jagannathan, S. Bhashyam, “Distributed resource allocation for single-hop networks under the SINR model” COMSNETS 2015, Bangalore, India.

33.  H. R. Joseph, G. Raina, K. Jagannathan, “Cost estimates for road congestion in Delhi: projections and recommendations,” COMSNETS ITS Workshop 2015, Bangalore, India.

34.  D. Ghosh, K. Jagannathan, G. Raina, “Right Buffer Sizing Matters: Stability, Queuing Delay and Traffic Burstiness in Compound TCP,” 52nd Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2014, Monticello, IL.

35.  R. Raman, K. Jagannathan, “Downlink Resource Allocation under Time-varying Interference: Fairness and Throughput Optimality,” 52nd Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2014, Monticello, IL.

36.  A. Sharma, K. Jagannathan, L. R. Varshney, “Information Overload and Human Priority Queuing;” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)) 2014, Honolulu, HI, USA

37.  R. Vaze, K. Jagannathan, “Finite-Horizon Optimal Transmission Policies for Energy Harvesting Sensors,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014, Florence, Italy.

38.  H. Ahmed, K. Jagannathan, S. Bhashyam, “Fair Scheduling with Deadline Guarantees in Single-hop Networks,” COMSNETS 2014, Bangalore, India.

39.  H. Ahmed, K. Jagannathan, S. Bhashyam, “Queue-Aware Optimal Resource Allocation for the LTE Downlink,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, GA, USA.

40.  K. Jagannathan, L. Jiang, P. L. Naik, E. Modiano, “Scheduling strategies to mitigate the impact of bursty traffic in wireless networks,” 11th International Symposium on Modelling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) 2013, Tsukuba, Japan. Best Paper Award recipient.

41.  J. Nair, K. Jagannathan, A. Wierman, “When Heavy-Tailed and Light-Tailed Flows Compete: The Response Time Tail Under Generalized Max-Weight Scheduling,IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy.

42.  K. Jagannathan, I. Menache, E. Modiano, G. Zussman, “Non-cooperative Spectrum Access – The Dedicated vs. Free Spectrum Choice; ACM MobiHoc 2011, Paris, France.

43.  K. Jagannathan, I. Menache, E. Modiano, S. Mannor, “A State Action Frequency Approach to Throughput Maximization over Uncertain Wireless Channels,” IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China.

44.  K. Jagannathan, M. Markakis, E. Modiano, J.N. Tsitsiklis, “Queue Length Asymptotics for Generalized Max-Weight Scheduling in the presence of Heavy-Tailed Traffic,” IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China.

45.  K. Jagannathan, M. Markakis, E. Modiano, J.N. Tsitsiklis, “Throughput Optimal Scheduling in the presence of Heavy-Tailed Traffic,” 48th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2010, Monticello, IL (Invited).

46.  K. Jagannathan, E. Modiano, “The Impact of Queue Length Information on Buffer Overflow in Parallel Queues,” 47th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2009, Monticello, IL.

47.  K. Jagannathan, E. Modiano, L. Zheng, “On the trade-off between control rate and congestion in single server systems,” IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

48.  L. B. Le, K. Jagannathan, E. Modiano, “Delay Analysis of Maximum Weight Scheduling in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS'2009), Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA.

49.  K. Jagannathan, E. Modiano, L. Zheng, “Effective Resource Allocation in a Queue: How Much Control is Necessary?” 46th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2008, Monticello, IL.

50.  K. Jagannathan, S. Borst, P. Whiting, and E. Modiano, “Scheduling of Multi-Antenna Broadcast Systems with Heterogeneous Users,” 44th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2006, Monticello, IL.

51.  K. Jagannathan, S. Borst, P. Whiting, and E. Modiano, “Efficient Scheduling of Multiuser Multi-Antenna Systems,” WiOpt 2006, Boston, MA.

Pre-prints/Under Review

1.      Caching under Content Freshness Constraints; Pawan Poojary, Sharayu Moharir, Krishna Jagannathan; arxiv:1712.10041

2.      Congestion costs incurred on Indian roads: A case study for New Delhi; Neema Davis, Harry Raymond Joseph, Gaurav Raina, Krishna Jagannathan; arxiv:1708.08984