EE6240: RF Integrated Circuits, Aug-Nov 2013
These lectures are available on the web for the benefit of students at IIT Madras and elsewhere. Copyrights to these rest solely with the instructor and IIT Madras. Copying them, publishing them, rehosting them on other servers, or using them for any sort of commercial gain is prohibited.
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Instructor: S. Aniruddhan
Course syllabus, lectures (pdf), homeworks and projects can be seen here. If you wish to download the video lectures below for offline viewing, click on the link, replace the .html
with .mp4
and view it in a media player.
2013-07-29 (No Recording) (pdf): Lecture 0 - Introduction to the course
pdf): Lecture 2 - Impedance matching and Maximum power transfer
pdf): Lecture 4 - Tapped inductor and capacitor networks
pdf): Lecture 6 - Image Problem in Receivers; Direct-conversion receiver
pdf): Lecture 8 - RF Non-linearity: Blocking, Cross-modulation etc
pdf): Lecture 13 - MOSFET two-port noise sources; NF of lossy block
pdf): Lecture 19 - Introduction to Mixers; Two-port mixers
pdf): Lecture 22 - Gilbert-cell mixer - nonlinearity and noise
pdf): Lecture 23 - Gilbert-cell mixer - Noise analysis (1)
pdf): Lecture 24 - Gilbert-cell mixer - Noise analysis (2)