Video lectures from the iCS group @ IIT Madras

EE5390: Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Jan.-May 2011

These lectures are available on the web for the benefit of students at IIT Madras and elsewhere. Copyrights to these rest solely with the instructor and IIT Madras. Copying them, publishing them, rehosting them on other servers, or using them for any sort of commercial gain is prohibited.

See this page for information on how to view these videos.

Instructor: Nagendra Krishnapura

Course syllabus, schedule, and assignments can be seen here. If you wish to download these lectures for offline viewing, click on the link, replace the .html with .mp4 and view it in a media player.

The lectures are also available in iPod format(320×240 video, AAC audio). Click on the link marked iPod next to each lecture to download these.


  1. 2011-01-05(iPod): Course introduction; Negative feedback amplifier using an integrator
  2. 2011-01-06(iPod): Step response; sinusoidal steady state response
  3. 2011-01-11(iPod): Sinusoidal steady state response; Effect of delay
  4. 2011-01-12(iPod): Effect of delay in a negative feedback system
  5. 2011-01-13(iPod): Effect of delay in a negative feedback system; Quantifying negative feedback-loop gain
  6. 2011-01-14(iPod): Additional poles in the loop gain; Ascertaining stability from magnitude/phase responses
  7. 2011-01-18(iPod): Effect of additional poles in the negative feedback loop
  8. 2011-01-19(iPod): Criteria for stability and limited overshoot for higher order systems; Step response of loop gain with extra poles and zeros
  9. 2011-01-20(iPod): Effect of poles and zeros in the loop gain; Opamp realization; Finite dc gain due to finite Rout of current sources
  10. 2011-01-21(iPod): Opamp realization; Finite dc gain due to finite Rout of current sources; Increasing DC gain
  11. 2011-02-03(iPod): Opamp realization; Single stage opamp
  12. 2011-02-04(iPod): Single stage opamp frequency response; Other tradeoffs
  13. 2011-02-08(iPod): Using cascode transistors in a single stage opamp; Source follower buffers at low supply voltages; Two stage opamp
  14. 2011-02-09(iPod): Two stage miller compensated opamp-poles and zeros
  15. 2011-02-10(iPod): Cancelling the right half plane zero; Three stage opamp
  16. 2011-02-10(iPod): Components available in a CMOS process
  17. 2011-02-15: Assignment 3 discussion
  18. 2011-02-18(iPod): Quiz I discussion; Lead lag compensation
  19. 2011-02-22(iPod): Random mismatch in resistors and capacitors
  20. 2011-02-23(iPod): Systematic mismatch; Resistor noise
  21. 2011-02-24(iPod): Calculating output noise PSD; MOS transistor thermal noise
  22. 2011-03-01(iPod): MOS transistor flicker noise; 4 terminal MOS model
  23. 2011-03-02(iPod): Small signal model including body effect; Influence of body effect on CS, CD, CG amplifiers
  24. 2011-03-03(iPod): MOS transistor mismatch
  25. 2011-03-16(iPod): Single stage opamp noise, offset, slew rate
  26. 2011-03-17(iPod): Single stage opamp continued
  27. 2011-03-18(iPod): Telescopic cascode opamp
  28. 2011-03-22(iPod): Cascode biasing; Current mirror noise
  29. 2011-03-23(iPod): Folded cascode opamp
  30. 2011-03-25(iPod): Fully differential circuits-motivation
  31. 2011-03-29(iPod): Fully differential single stage opamp
  32. 2011-03-30: Common mode feedback circuitry (no recording)
  33. 2011-03-31(iPod): Single ended two stage opamp
  34. 2011-04-01(iPod): Single ended two stage opamp
  35. 2011-04-05(iPod): Common mode feedback circuits
  36. 2011-04-06(iPod): Fully differential two stage opamp
  37. 2011-04-07: Simulating differential and common mode loop gains (no recording)
  38. 2011-04-08(iPod): Frequency multiplication using negative feedback-phase locked loop
  39. 2011-04-12(iPod): Phase detector
  40. 2011-04-15(iPod): Incremental equivalent of the feedback loop; Effect of periodicity of phase detector output-limitations of type I loop
  41. 2011-04-18(iPod): Limiting the reference feedthrough while keeping the loop stable-the type II loop
  42. 2011-04-20(iPod): Type II PLL; Implementation using the 3 state phase detector and passive loop filter
  43. 2011-04-21(iPod): Type II PLL summary; Course summary


  1. 2011-01-07: Assignment 1
  2. 2011-01-23: Assignment 2
  3. 2011-02-11: Assignment 3
  4. 2011-03-04: Assignment 4
  5. 2011-03-13: Assignment 5
  6. 2011-04-13: Assignment 6
  7. 2011-04-19: Assignment 7


  1. 2011-02-17: Quiz I
  2. 2011-03-24: Quiz II