Video lectures from the iCS group @ IIT Madras

EC5135: Analog Electronic Circuits/EC3102 Analog Circuits(Aug.-Nov. 2012)

These lectures are available on the web for the benefit of students at IIT Madras and elsewhere. Copyrights to these rest solely with the instructor and IIT Madras. Copying them, publishing them, rehosting them on other servers, or using them for any sort of commercial gain is prohibited.

See this page for information on how to view these videos.

Instructor: Nagendra Krishnapura

This is an introductory course on Analog Circuits. Problem sets and other instructions can be found here. Familiarity with basic linear electrical networks is assumed. At IIT Madras, the prerequisite courses are Electrical and Magnetic Circuits and Networks and Systems.

The lectures are also available in iPod format(320×240 video, AAC audio). Click on the link marked iPod next to each lecture to download these. The pdf files contain the journal snapshots.


  1. 2012-08-01: (no recording; pdf): Need for nonlinear circuits; Analysis of nonlinear circuits
  2. 2012-08-02(iPod,pdf): Small signal incremental analysis
  3. 2012-08-03(iPod,pdf): Small signal incremental analysis; Diode models; Small signal two-port parameters
  4. 2012-08-07(iPod,pdf): Small signal two-port parameters for obtaining a high gain; MOS transistor
  5. 2012-08-08(iPod,pdf): MOS transistor I-V characteristics; Choosing the operating point for a given gain
  6. 2012-08-09(iPod,pdf): Combining small signal and large signal pictures to realize the amplifier; Gate bias using a voltage divider
  7. 2012-08-10(iPod,pdf): Adding bias and signal using a coupling capacitor
  8. 2012-08-16(iPod,pdf): Brief overview of differential equations, and sinusoidal steady state response; Magnitude and phase plots
  9. 2012-08-17(iPod,pdf): Bode plots
  10. 2012-08-21(iPod,pdf): Common source amplifier with ac coupled source and load
  11. 2012-08-22(iPod,pdf): Common source amplifier swing limits
  12. 2012-08-24(iPod,pdf): MOS transistor in triode region; Dependence of drain current on drain-source voltage in saturation region
  13. 2012-08-28(iPod,pdf): Adding or removing a dc bias from a signal; ac coupling networks
  14. 2012-08-30(iPod,pdf): Sensitivity of amplifier parameters to transistor parameters; Biasing at a constant drain current using negative feedback
  15. 2012-09-04(iPod,pdf): Common source amplifier with drain feedback bias
  16. 2012-09-05(iPod,pdf): Common source amplifier with drain feedback bias-coupling capacitors, swing
  17. 2012-09-06(iPod,pdf): Common source amplifier with current mirror biasing; Biasing a transistor with a current source at the source
  18. 2012-09-07(iPod,pdf): Common source amplifier with source feedback biasing
  19. 2012-09-11(iPod,pdf): Negative feedback circuits; opamps
  20. 2012-09-14(iPod,pdf): Sensitivity of bias circuits(Problem set 3 review); Quiz II review
  21. 2012-09-21(iPod,pdf): Opamp model; Determining opamp signs for dc negative feedback; CCVS using an opamp
  22. 2012-09-25(iPod,pdf): Transistor biasing; VCVS using a transistor(common drain amplifier)
  23. 2012-09-26(iPod,pdf): Common drain amplifier; VCCS using a transistor
  24. 2012-09-27(iPod,pdf): VCCS using a transistor-biasing, swing limits; CCCS using a transistor
  25. 2012-09-28(iPod,pdf): CCCS(common gate amplifier) using a transistor; CCVS using a transistor
  26. 2012-10-03(iPod,pdf): pMOS transistor; Converting nMOS circuits to pMOS
  27. 2012-10-09: Quiz III discussion
  28. 2012-10-10(iPod,pdf): Controlled sources using pMOS; Common source amplifier gain limit
  29. 2012-10-11(iPod,pdf): Common source amplifier with an active load; Input-output characteristics
  30. 2012-10-12(iPod,pdf): CMOS inverter and its characteristics
  31. 2012-10-16(iPod,pdf): CMOS inverter-self bias voltage, quiescent current; Realizing an opamp
  32. 2012-10-17(iPod,pdf): Differential pair; with active load
  33. 2012-10-18(iPod,pdf): Differential pair with current mirror active load
  34. 2012-10-19(iPod,pdf): Differential pair with current mirror active load-small signal model
  35. 2012-10-23(iPod,pdf): Differential pair with current mirror active load-Common mode rejection, swing limits
  36. 2012-10-25(iPod,pdf): Single stage opamp with a buffer; Two stage opamp
  37. 2012-10-26(iPod,pdf): Two stage opamp-small signal behavior; swing limits
  38. 2012-10-31(iPod,pdf): Parasitic poles; Single pole opamp in negative feedback
  39. 2012-11-01(iPod,pdf): Two pole opamp in negative feedback; Loop gain and its significance
  40. 2012-11-06(iPod,pdf): Two pole opamp in negative feedback; Loop gain and its significance
  41. 2012-11-07(iPod,pdf): Dominant pole compensation
  42. 2012-11-09(iPod,pdf): Dominant pole compensation by pole splitting
  43. 2012-11-14(iPod,pdf): Right half plane zero; Cancelling the right half plane zero
  44. 2012-11-15(iPod,pdf): Bipolar junction transistor; Large and small signal models; Key differences from the MOS transistor

Problem sets


  1. 2012-08-23: Quiz I
  2. 2012-09-13: Quiz II
  3. 2012-10-05: Quiz III
  4. 2012-11-02: Quiz IV