Srinivas Pachava
Name of Guide :Dr. Balaji Srinivasan
Year of Joining: July 2014
Research Topic: Generaation, Propagation and Amplification of Optical Beams carrying Orbital Angular Momentum
Position: MS+PhD, Dual degree
- Pursued B.Tech in Electronics and Communications, Gudlavalleru Engineering College.
Current Research:
Lasers with high output power have potential applications in material processing, remote sensing, military, fundamental science. High power fiber lasers and amplifiers have been extensively studied in the past few decades and a phenomenal increase in the peak (MW) as well as average power levels (kW) have been demonstrated. However, the power scaling of such fiber lasers are limited by several factors including fiber non-linear effects and thermal mode instability. Using higher order modes (HOMs) in a fiber which exhibit large effective modal area is a possible solution for addressing the above limitations.
Journal Publications:
1. “Modal decomposition of Laguerre Gaussian beams with different radial orders using optical correlation technique,” Srinivas Pachava, Awakash Dixit, and B. Srinivasan, Opt. Express 27, 13182-13193 (2019);
2. “Investigation of propagation dynamics of truncated vector vortex beams,” P. Srinivas, C. Perumangatt, Nijil Lal, R. P. Singh, and B. Srinivasan, Opt. Lett. 43, 2579-2582 (2018);
3. “Orbital angular momentum beam excitation using an all-fiber weakly fused mode selective coupler,” S. Pidishety, S. Pachava, P. Gregg, S. Ramachandran, G. Brambilla, and B. Srinivasan, Opt. Lett. 42, 4347-4350 (2017);
Presentations in Conferences:
1. “Studies on the propagation of orbital angular momentum beams through optical fibers with different index profiles”, Shankar Pidishety, Srinivas Pachava and Balaji Srinivasan, Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), 2015, Bangalore, India. DOI: 10.1109/WRAP.2015.7806007
2. “Investigation of Fractional Charge OAM Beam Generation and its Decomposition“, S. Pachava, P. Shankar and B. Srinivasan, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) – 2016, Shanghai, China. DOI: 10.1109/PIERS.2016.7734484
3. “Investigation of scalability of all-fiber fused mode selective coupler for generating multiple OAM states” Shankar Pidishety, Srinivas Pachava, Patrick Gregg, Asher McGuffin, Siddharth Ramachandran, Gilberto Brambilla and Balaji Srinivasan, International conference on fiber optics and photonics-2016, Kanpur, India.
4. “Investigation of self-healing property of composite vector vortex beams”, S. Pachava, P. Chithrabhanu, C.K. Nijil Lal, P. Shankar, B. Srinivasan, R.P. Singh, Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO) -2017, San Jose, U.S.
5. “Scalability of all-fiber fused mode selective coupler for exciting higher order OAM states,” Shankar Pidishety, Srinivas Pachava, Gilberto Brambilla, and Balaji Srinivasan, Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) -2017 (Invited talk), Singapore.
6. “Investigation of polarization structure of vector vortex beams upon scattering”, Srinivas Pachava, Nijil Lal, Nirmal K Viswanathan, RP Singh, Balaji Srinivasan, International Symposium on Optics- (OSI-ISO)- 2018, Kanpur, India.
7. “Light beams with a Twist – Vortex beams propagation with truncated intensity structure”, Srinivas Pachava, Balaji Srinivasan, Poster presentation at Institute Research Scholars Day (RSD) -2018 at IIT- Madras.
8. “Modal decomposition of optical fiber output in OAM basis using optical correlation technique”, Srinivas Pachava, Awakash Dixit, and Balaji Srinivasan; n Laser Congress 2018 (ASSL), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper AM6A.29.