
Bijoy Krishna Das


Ph.D.  in Integrated Optics / Applied Physics: University of Paderborn, Germany, 2003.

044-2257 4459

Room No. CSD314

  • Bijoy Krishna Das obtained his master degree in solid state physics from Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, India (in 1996) and PhD degree (Dr.rer.nat) in integrated optics from University of Paderborn, Germany (in April 2003). Prior to his PhD research in Germany, Dr. Das started his research career in the area of integrated optics at the Microelectronics Centre, IIT Kharagpur for three years (January 1996 – December 1998). His postdoctoral research carried out in three different countries. First, he was an FRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (2004-2005). Later, he joined as a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Optical Technologies, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA. In April 2005, he rejoined the Integrated Optics Group in University of Paderborn as Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter and continued his research on integrated nonlinear optical devices. He also worked for a while at Laboratoire Aime Cotton, CNRS, Orsay, France. Since August 2006, Dr. Das has been associated with the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, where he is presently holding a full Professor position. He is one of the founding members of Centre for NEMS and Nanophotonics (CNNP) at IIT Madras and Chief Investigator of Silicon Photonics Centre of Excellence - Centre for Programmable Photonic Integrated Circuits and Systems (CoE-CPPICS), funded by the MeitY, Govt. of India. Website:

  • Silicon Photonics Technology and Applications
  • Programmable Photonic Integrated Circuits
  • Integrated Microwave Photonics
  • Integrated Quantum Photonics

    Current Courses

  • Integrated Photonic Devices and Circuits
  • Quantum Photonic Devices and Technology

    Previous Courses

  • Basic Electrical Engineering (UG Core Course).
  • Electrical and Magnetic Circuits (UG Core Course).
  • Solid State Devices (UG Core Course).
  • Engineering Electromagnetics (UG Core Course / 1 time).
  • Introduction to Photonics (PG Core Course).
  • Wave Propagation in Communications (PG Core Course).
  • Electronic and Photonic Nanoscale Devices (UG/PG Elective Course).
  • Integrated Optoelectronics Devices and Circuits (UG/PG Elective Course).
  • GIAN Course on Advanced Group-IV Semiconductor
  • Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices (Offered during 15 February - 22 February 2017 / Jointly
  • with Prof Anil Prabhakar, IIT Madras and Dr Inga Anita Fischer, University of Stuttgart, Germany).
  • GIAN Course on Silicon Photonics: Linear, Nonlinear,
  • and Quantum Integrated Optical Devices and Circuits (Offered during 19 March - 1 April 2017 /
  • Jointly with Prof Shayan Mookherjea, University of California, USA).


  • Parimal Sah and Bijoy Krishna Das, Photonic bandpass filter characteristics of multimode SOI waveguides integrated with submicron gratings, Applied Optics, Vol 57, No 9, pp 2277-2281, 2018 (5 Pages).
  • Ramesh K Gupta, Sujith Chandran and Bijoy Krishna Das, Wavelength Independent Directional Couplers for Integrated Silicon Photonics, IEEE/OSA Jounal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 35, No 22, pp 4916-4923, November 15, 2017 (8 Pages).
  • Sujith Chandran, Meenatchi Sundaram, Sreevatsa Kurudi and Bijoy Krishna Das, Design and fabrication of surface trimmed silicon-on-insulator waveguide with adiabatic spot-size converters Applied Optics, vol 56, No 6, pp 1708-1716, 2017 (9 pages).
  • Ramesh K Gupta and Bijoy K Das, Multi-input and multi-output SOI (MIMO-SOI) platform for silicon photonics, CSI Transactions on ICT, vol 5, No 2, pp 189-193, June 2017 (5 pages).
  • S Chandran, Ramesh K Gupta, and B K Das, Dispersion enhanced critically coupled ring resonator for wide-range refractive index sensing, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol 23, No 2, pp 424-432, March/April 2017 (9 Pages).

Conference Proceedings

  • Sumi R, R K Gupta, N DasGupta, and B K Das, Integrated Optical Ultra-Broadband Add-Drop Filter in Silicon-On-Insulator Platform, Accepted for Oral Presentation, OFC - 2018, 11-15 March 2018, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • R K Gupta, S Chandran, and B K Das, Integrated Silicon Photonics Directional Couplers for WDM .Applications, Oral Presentation, ICMAP - 2018, 9-11 February 2018, IIT Dhanbad, India.
  • R Nandi, S Kurudi, and B K Das, Polarization Dependent Electro-Optic Effect in SOI Waveguides with Laterally Diffused P-N Junction, Oral Presentation, ICMAP - 2018, 9-11 February 2018, IIT Dhanbad, India.
  • S M Sundaram, S Chandran and B K Das, Loss Estimation of Adiabatically Tapered Silicon Waveguides, Oral Presentation, ICAOP-2017 (41st OSI), 23-26 November 2017, Hisar, India.
  • P Sah and B K Das, Integrated Optical /4 Phase-Shifted High-Q DBR Cavity in Silicon-OnInsulator, Oral Presentation, ICAOP-2017 (41st OSI), 23-26 November 2017, Hisar, India.


  • P Sah and B K Das, Design and implementation of integrated optical razor edge filter in siliconon-insulator, PCT App No PCT/IN2017/050403.
  • S Chandran, S M Sundaram, and B K Das, Method and apparatus for modifying dimensions of a waveguide, US Patent App 15/218,300.

  • Coordinator for Department Exams (since 2010).
  • Nodal Officer for Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme (since 2014).
  • Coordinator for Industrial Lecture Series for UG Students (Odd Semester, 2013).
  • Sponsorship Chair and Organizing Member of the International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics (Photonics - 2012).
  • Participating Faculty Member for the Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in the Department of EE, IIT Madras, Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India (Since 2009).
  • Elected Executive Council Member: Optical Society of India (1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019).
  • Associate Editor: Optical Engineering, SPIE (Since January 2014).
  • Reviewers: Scientific Reports (Nature), Journal of Lightwave Technology (IEEE/OSA), Photonics Technology Letters (IEEE), Optics Letters (OSA), Applied Optics (OSA), Optics Communications (Elsevier), Journal of Nanophotonics (SPIE), Journal Optics (OSI).
  • Members: IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Electron Device Society, Optical Society of America, Optical Society of India.
  • Guest Faculty: IIT Tirupati, Teaching Full-Semester UG Course - Solid State Devices (During August - November 2017).

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