
From 02/20/2024 to 03/20/2024


06:45 PM Feature #3607: Implementing AI into Hope project
Made a sample UI that allows to give input image and generate sentence. The model output varies like below. I am tryi... Kasthuri G R


07:38 PM Feature #3607: Implementing AI into Hope project
To get inputs from special educators, made a sample UI in python that user can upload image and it will generate sent... Kasthuri G R


11:23 AM Feature #3607: Implementing AI into Hope project
Google has released an open AI model Gemma( I am able t... Kasthuri G R
10:55 AM Feature #3607 (Assigned): Implementing AI into Hope project
Take input words from Hope, generate sentences using large language models (LLMs) with basic commonly used words Kasthuri G R

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