# MIF 1.1
# Timing test case, based on muMag Standard Problem #1
# Run with
# tclsh oommf.tcl batchsolve -interface 0 timetest.mif
####################### MATERIAL PARAMETERS ############################
Ms= 800e3 # Saturation magnetization in A/m.
A=13e-12 # Exchange stiffness in J/m.
K1= 0.5e3 # Anisotropy constant in J/m^3.
Anisotropy Type:uniaxial # One of <uniaxial|cubic>.
Anisotropy Dir1: 0 1 0 # Directional cosines wrt to coordinate axes
####################### DEMAG SPECIFICATION ############################
Demag Type: ConstMag
########################## PART GEOMETRY ###############################
Part Width: 1e-6 # Nominal part width in m, adjusted by Cell Size.
Part Height: 2e-6 # Nominal part height in m, adjusted by Cell Size.
Part Thickness: 20e-9 # Part thickness in m. Required for 2d- and 3d-
# Slab models.
Cell Size: 3.90625e-9 # Cell size in m. Required. The part width
# and height are adjusted to an integral multiple
# of the cell size.
###################### INITIAL MAGNETIZATION ###########################
Init Mag: uniform 90 89 # Inital magnetization routine and parameters
###################### EXPERIMENT PARAMETERS ###########################
Field Range: 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 -iteration 1000
###################### OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS ###########################
Base Output Filename: timetest # Character string; Required
########################## MISCELLANEOUS ###############################
Randomizer seed: 1 # Value to seed random number generator with.