Course Details

Course details of EE5330
Course NoEE5330
Course TitleComputer-Aided Design and Analysis of Digital ICs
Course ContentAdvanced Boolean Algebra: Boole-Shannon expansion, Boolean difference, Cofactors and Consensus, unate functions and covers.Computational Boolean Algebra: Positional cube representation (PCR) for Boolean functions, Boolean operations using PCR, unate recursive paradigm, tautology, complementation and containment, Graph based algorithms for Boolean functions, Binary decision diagrams (BDDs), Reduced ordered BDDS (ROBDDs) and canonical representations, Data structures for ROBDD, applications in test and verification, Boolean satisfiability.Power and Timing analysis: Static timing analysis, slacks and critical path delay computation, algorithms for power estimation, statistical timing and power analysis, Monte Carlo simulation.Will have programming assignments
Course Offered this semesterNo
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