Course Details

Course details of EE5262
Course NoEE5262
Course TitleDistributed Generation and Microgrid Systems
Course Content 1. Introduction: Overview of energy scenario of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Distributed generation consisting of AC and DC type renewable energy sources (RES), architecture of microgrid and its components, photo voltaic system, wind energy systems, V2G, G2V operations, islanded and grid connected modes of microgrid operation, electrical storage and energy management 2. Solar Energy Systems: Photovoltaic power conversion, PV characteristics, efficiency, design and modelling of photovoltaic units, maximum power point operation 3. DC Interface: DC-DC converters for microgrid, topologies and control schemes for PV fed DC-DC converters, design and analysis of bidirectional converters, DC bus formation architecture 4. Energy Storage Systems: Types of storage systems, modelling and analysis of battery, supercapacitor storage system, design of storage system for reliable operation of microgrid 5. Wind Energy Systems: Wind turbines, structure, dynamics and arrangements, Review of squirrel cage, wound rotor induction generator, operation of doubly fed induction generator, permanent magnet synchronous generator connected microgrid 6. AC Interface: DC-AC voltage source converters for microgrid, control of active, reactive power flow based on renewable power and local reactive power, parallel operation on converters 7. Grid Interaction: Grid-connected operation, synchronization, grid following and grid forming modes, vehicle to grid to vehicle operation, power quality aspects and islanding operation, power management schemes
Course Offered this semesterYes
Faculty NameDr. MAHESH KUMAR