Course Details

Course details of EE5257
Course NoEE5257
Course TitleEnergy Management Systems and SCADA
Course Content1. Energy Management Systems Introduction: Introduction and Evolution of EMS from Control Centers to Energy Control Centers to EMS. Functions and Benefits of EMS; SEBs Monitoring and Control. Architecture and Applications: Various Architecture of EMS, On / Off Line Functions of EMS, Real Time Modeling and Applications of EMS: Energy Management Systems Control: Automatic Generation Control (AGC). Load Frequency Control (LFC), Voltage Reactive Power Control (VQC); Case Studies of Energy Management Systems: Security Assessment; Dispatch, Contingency analysis. Study Mode Applications: Forecasting: Power Flow, Optimal Power Flow, State Estimation, Security Assessment. 2. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Introduction and Evolution of SCADA, Functions and Benefits of SCADA, Various Architecture of SCADA. Modules and Components of SCADA. SCADA Hardware RTU; IED SAS Architectures. SCADA Software IEC618950; Protocol GOOSE; Configurations of SCADA, RTU (Remote Terminal Units) Connections. SCADA Communication requirements, protocols: Past Present and Future. Applications of SCADA i) Power Systems; ii) Railways, iii) Renewal Energy and iv)Smart Grid; Power SCADA: Automation; Protection; Relay Interoperability
Course Offered this semesterNo
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