Course Details

Course details of EE5150
Course NoEE5150
Course TitleCommunication Networks
Course Content1) Introduction to common networks such as the Internet, WiFi, Cellular networks, Ad hoc and Sensor networks; Introduction to ISO/OSI Layers; Deterministic and Stochastic Network Calculus, Introduction to Network Simulators; 2) Medium Access Control Layer: ARQ protocols; Random access; Backoff algorithms; WFQ implementations; Introduction to Queueing theory; Mesh networks;3) Routing Layer: Routing algorithms for wired, wireless and mobile networks; Multihop networks; Flow management and Rate region; Buffer management;4) Transport Layer: TCP; UDP5) Applications: Cross-layer Design; Network Monitoring; Performance Measures; Notions of fairness; QoS;
Course Offered this semesterNo
Faculty Name