Course Details

Course details of EE2005
Course NoEE2005
Course TitleElectrical Machines and Lab
Course ContentCourse Contents (Theory): Review of magnetic circuits; Transformers: construction, equivalent circuit, parameter estimation – no-load and short circuit tests, regulation, parallel operation, per-unit notation, three-phase transformers: construction and operation. Autotransformers. DC Machines: construction and principles of operation, equivalent circuit, performance equations, generator and motor operation, series/shunt connections, speed-torque curves, principles of speed control as motor. Induction machines: construction and principles of operation, equivalent circuit, parameter estimation – no-load and blocked rotor tests, speed-torque curves, principles of speed control, elements of generator operation, performance assessment. Synchronous machines: construction and principles of operation, equivalent circuit, parameter estimation, armature reaction, performance assessment, regulation, synchronization and grid connected operation of cylindrical rotor machines Course Contents (Lab): Experiments to relate the theory and practice dealing with transformers, DC Machines, Induction Machines and Synchronous Machines.
Course Offered this semesterNo
Faculty Name