Course Details

Course details of EE2002
Course NoEE2002
Course TitleDigital Systems
Course ContentThe course is focused on teaching the students to adopt a systematic approach towards combinational and sequential logic circuit design and analysis. It consists of the following modules: 1. Introduction to Digital Systems and Boolean Algebra - Binary, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems and conversions. Truth table, basic logic operations and logic gates. Basic postulates and fundamental theorems of Boolean algebra; Canonical (SOP and POS) forms 2. Logic Minimization and Implementation - Minterm and Maxterm expansions; Karnaugh-maps, essential prime implicants, incompletely specified functions, NAND and NOR implementation. Ex-OR functions. 3. Combinational Logic - Multi level gate circuits, Decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers and their applications; Parity circuits and comparators; Representation of signed numbers; Adders, Ripple carry. 4. Sequential Logic - Latches and flip-flops - SR-latch, D-latch, D flip-flop, JK flip-flop, T flip-flop; Setup and Hold parameters, timing analysis; Registers and counters; Shift register; Ripple counter, Synchronous counter design using D, T, and JK flip flops. 5. State Machine Design - State machine as a sequential controller; Moore and Mealy state machines; Derivation of state graph and tables; Sequence detector; state table reduction and state assignment, logic realization; equivalent state machines. 6. Advanced Topics - Asynchronous sequential machines, static and dynamic hazards; race free design.
Course Offered this semesterYes
Dr. Shivananju