Course Details

Course details of EE2001
Course NoEE2001
Course TitleDigital Systems & Lab
Course Content1. Introduction to Digital Systems and Boolean AlgebraBinary, octal and hexadecimal number systems; Truth table; Basic logic operation and logic gates. Basic postulates and fundamental theorems of Boolean algebra; Canonical (SOP and POS) forms2. Logic Minimization and ImplementationMinterm and Maxterm expansions; - Karnaugh-maps, essential prime implicants, incompletely specified functions, NAND and NOR implementation, Quine-McCluskey method; Switch level representation and realization using transistors; Logic families – TTL, CMOS3. Combinational Logic Multi level gate circuits, Decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers and their applications; Parity circuits and comparators; Representation of signed numbers; Adders, Ripple carry. Introduction to HDL ( VHDL /Verilog), HDL description of combinational circuits.4. Sequential LogicLatches and flip-flops: SR-latch, D-latch, D flip-flop, JK flip-flop, T flip-flop; Setup and Hold parameters, timing analysis; Registers and counters; Shift register; Ripple counter, Synchronous counter design using D, T, and JK flip flops. HDL description of sequential circuits.5. State Machine Design State machine as a sequential controller; Moore and Mealy state machines; Derivation of state graph and tables; Sequence detector; state table reduction using Implication table; state assignment, logic realization; equivalent state machines, Designing state machine using ASM charts. state machine modeling based on HDL.6. Memory and Programmable Logic DevicesROM and RAM; Sequential PLDs and their applications; State- machine design with sequential PLDs; FPGAs7. Register transfer language: Notation, HDL features for RTL, Digital design at the RTL level, Simple design of a microcontroller using RTL.8. Advanced TopicsAsynchronous Sequential Machines, Static and Dynamic hazards; race free design; testing digital circuits.Syllabus: LaboratoryExperiments on design of combinational circuits including adders and magnitude comparators; realization using multiplexers and other approaches; identification of critical path Design of sequential circuits including flip-flops, counters and registers Digital to analog converter design and study of characteristicsExperiments on motor control using flip-flops and gates Introduction to hardware description languages and simulation of simple circuits
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