Course Details

Course details of EE1102
Course NoEE1102
Course TitleIntroduction to Programming
Course ContentCourse Contents:1. Introduction to Computers, programming language a. C language history2. Variables constants and declarations3. Arithmetic, relational and logical operators. a. Precedence order4. Control flow statements a. For loop b. While loop c. If, If-else d. Switch 5. Arraysa. One dimensional and two dimensional arrays6. Characters and strings7. Functions a. Pass by value, pass by reference b. Recursive functions c. Scope of variables8. Sorting algorithms a. Selection sort b. Insertion sort9. Introduction to pointers a. Basic pointers b. Pointers to arrays and two dimensional arrays c. Pointer arithmetic d. Malloc, stack vs heap10. Structures a. Basic introduction b. Pointers to structures c. Basic linked lists11. File processing (IO processing) a. Opening, closing and reading files b. Structured and Unstructured file reading
Course Offered this semesterNo
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