Course Details

Course details of EE1101
Course NoEE1101
Course TitleSignals and Systems
Course Content1. Signals (continuous-time): Signal classification (analog-digital, energy-power, even-odd, periodic-aperiodic, deterministic-random etc.), standard signals (unit step, unit impulse, ramp, exponential, sinusoids), transformations of the independent variable (4 classes)2. Systems (continuous-time): System classification (memory, causal, stable, linear, time-invariant, invertible etc.), Impulse response of an LTI system, convolution integral, graphical convolution, system properties from impulse response, complex exponential as eigenfunction of LTI systems, interconnection of LTI systems (6 classes)3. Discrete-time signals and systems: Emphasize similarities and differences with continuous-time counterpart (3 classes)4. Continuous-time Fourier series: Periodic signals and their properties, exponential and trigonometric FS representation of periodic signals, convergence, FS of standard periodic signals, salient properties of Fourier series, FS and LTI systems, some applications of FS (eg. filtering) (6 classes)5. Continuous-time Fourier transform: Development of Fourier representation of aperiodic signals, convergence, FT of standard signals, FT of periodic signals, properties of FT, some applications of FT (eg. modulation) (6 classes)6. Laplace Transform: Bilateral Laplace transform, region of convergence, properties of Laplace transform, standard Laplace transform pairs, transfer function of LTI system, characterising LTI system properties from transfer function, algebra of transfer functions and block diagram representations, Unilateral Laplace transform – brief introduction and application to simple initial value problems (8 classes)7. Sampling (Bridge continuous and discrete): Sampling theorem and signal reconstruction, notion of aliasing with examples, Sampling in frequency domain (5 classes)
Course Offered this semesterNo
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