Mano Bala Sankar M

Name of Guide : Dr. Balaji Srinivasan
Year of Joining : 2018
Research Topic: Devices For Photonic And Quantum Technologies By Femtosecond Laser Micro-Structuring
Position: MS


Current Research:

The standout applications of intense femtosecond laser pulses originate from their ability to microstructure transparent and opaque media - devices for photonic and quantum technologies. Our ongoing work is to make photonic device architectures on and in transparent media including bulk glass, optical fibers and even crystalline and thin films of diamonds containing NV centers suitable for required for quantum computing technologies. Devices such as be waveguides, Bragg gratings, waveguide beam splitters and wavelength selectors will be fabricated in this project for photonic applications such as communications and sensing as well as for emerging quantum technologies.